Archived News for Finance Sector Professionals - May, 2020
The Federal Government may allow its clean energy agencies to fund carbon capture and storage from fossil fuels.
Hazelwood fined for 45-day fire
The operator of Hazelwood mine has been fined over a major fire that burned for several weeks in 2014.
Robodebt legal letters coming
Centrelink will soon issue hundreds of thousands of notices for a class action against its ‘Robodebt’ scheme.
Google keeping cash away
Google has paid more Australian tax than previous years, but still exploits a Singapore loophole.
Origin reports on cloud shift
Origin Energy has revealed some of the techniques it is using to maintain services in an increasingly digital era.
Class action crack down looms
The Coalition wants to crack down on litigation funders who bankroll class action lawsuits.
Coal price pushing industry to brink
The global spot price for thermal coal has fallen 25 per cent per cent in the past month.
New deal to spare uni sackings
Universities are in talks with unions over enterprise agreements to keep them running during the COVID-19 crisis.
QLD looks to buy airline
The Queensland Government is looking at buying embattled airline Virgin Australia.
Blockchain applied to irrigation
Experts are investigating blockchain technologies for water markets.
Foreign firm gets big drop
Media investigations suggest a Chinese state-owned company is buying up water in the Murray-Darling.
Research sector hit predicted
A new study looks at the impact of COVID-19 on Australia’s research sector.
Adani approved by ignorant system
There is new evidence that expert advice was ignored or dismissed in the Adani Carmichael mine approval process.
Emails pull PM into sports rorts
The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) has provided new details in the ongoing ‘sports rorts’ saga.
WA mines playing major role
Experts say WA’s decision to keep mines open is helping prop up Australia’s economy.
BP hit hard
BP says it is keeping its commitment to net zero emissions, despite rising costs pressures and reduced profits.
CBA closing branches
Commonwealth Bank has closed over 100 branches and is attempting to redeploy around 500 staff.
FIRB backs telco merger
The Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) has approved the $15 billion merger between TPG Telecom and Vodafone.
ICAC looking at uni VC
ICAC is investigating allegations of improper conduct by the University of Adelaide’s vice-chancellor.
QLD opens fossil fuel fields
The Queensland Government’s latest COVID-19 stimulus measure is to open up almost 7,000 square kilometres of land for coal and gas exploration.