Archived News for Finance Sector Professionals
The ACCC is putting banks under pressure to improve their mortgage lending practices.
Big bank probe underway
The banking royal commission has begun outlining the systemic drivers of misconduct.
Critic questions big gas loss
Australia has lost $90 billion in revenue from some of its most valuable resources, according to an Oxford University expert.
FIFO strain surveyed
A new study has reviewed the mental health and wellbeing concerns of FIFO workers and their partners in Australia.
Reports reveals Uber under-payment
Uber X drivers earn about half the statutory minimum wage for transport workers, according to a new report.
ASIC lodges dodgy texts
ASIC has revealed some crude and poorly-spelled exchanges between the people manipulating Australia’s money markets.
Online switch buries branches
Two of Australia's biggest banks are closing branches in regional New South Wales.
Negative gearing study outlines changes
Cutting negative gearing deductions for the highest-earners could save the Australian Government more than $1.7 billion each year, research shows.
Australia slips on mine money scale
The view of Australia’s mining attractiveness has dropped, according to ...
Caltex accused of huge non-compliance
A new report slams Caltex for widespread breaches of workplace laws.
Rio faces court on coal claims
ASIC is taking legal action against Rio Tinto and two former executives over an African coal investment.
ATO to chase crypto-money
The Australian government is planning high-tech checks to chase tax from bitcoin investors.
Cormann explains charity change
The Finance Minister has responded to the charity sector’s concerns about its inclusion in a new foreign donations ban.
WGEA study shows closing
New research shows Australian employers that measure their gender pay gaps are making positive progress in closing them.